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The 3,000-year-old fragment of pottery that leading experts claims Could prove that Old Testament stories are True.

Posted on 2 April 2017

Archaeologists discovered small piece of pottery with writing on it last year found in modern day Israel, the 3000-year-old Ophel Inscription was originally though to have Biblical Canaanite language on it. The piece of pottery was found in Ophel near the temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Now expert believes mysterious language is Hebrew, which could prove that ancient Israelites recorded history much earlier that originally thought could mean Bible stories of King David and King Solomon were not passed down orally but written down at the time and are accurate.

A small fragment of ancient pottery found in modern Israel has shed light on its Biblical inhabitants and could prove that the reigns of King Solomon and King David actually occurred.

The 10th century BC 'Ophel Inscription' was unearthed last year, and scientists were initially baffled by the bizarre language that was inscribed on the remains of a jug. but leading expert Dr. Douglas Petrovich believe the language is a primitive form of Hebrew which suggests the ancient Israelites were accurately recording history much earlier than previously thought.

When the inscription was originally discovered in December 2012, experts immediately presumed it was example of Canaanite language. The Canaanites were Biblical people who lived in what is now modern Israel.

But ancient Near Eastern history and biblical studies expert Dr. Petrovich has said that this is incorrect and that the mysterious language is in fact the original and oldest form of Hebrew. Placing the ancient Israelites in Jerusalem far earlier than previously thought.

Tags:British Israel World Federation