Posted on 26 April 2017

Everyone must have heard of the famous Rosetta Stone in the British Museum, on which a decree, written in three languages, gives the clue to the reading of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics: perhaps few know of the equally important discovery of the inscriptions on the BEHISTUN ROCK in Persia, (now Iran). The name "Behistun" in the Median language meaning the Place of God. The ancient inscriptions overlooking the highroad out of Media into Babylonia, carved in the solid rock which towers 1,700 feet above the plain, were likewise written in three different languages,
namely, Persian, Susian (=Elamite) and Babylonian, by order of Darius the Great, whose portrait can be seen on the engraving.

As is well known to archaeologists the ancient Asyrian and Babylonian names for Israel were respectively "Kumri" and "Ghimri". Now the inscriptions on this Behistun Rock, originally investigated by Sir Henry Rawlinson, give details relating to a certain race of people, who in the Babylonian writing are called "GHIMRI', and in the Persian 'SAKAE'. Here, therefore, we have undeniable proof that those whom the Persians called the "Sakae" were none other than the "Ghimri" or CHILDREN OF ISRAEL!

The great chain is thus complete, both scripturally and historically, every link bearing witness to the truth that the "Angles" and "Saxons" who wandered into the Isles of the West at a period roughly 1,260 years after the fall of their old capital Samaria, were literal descendants of the long -­ lost House of Israel, miraculously regathered by the Hand of God to be re-­built as a great Kingdom people prepared for His Son to rule, lead and guide during the on-­coming Age, to make them a blessing to all families of the earth.

The Welsh people today call themselves the "Cymri" pronounced Kumree. Another point of interest is the derivation of the name "Crimea" or "Chimeria", which derives its name from the same root.

Tags:British Israel World FederationThe Kingdom Herald